A. FIRST, if you want to reserve your own space, you must create an account on LiveKarting.com. If you have a Fox Kart and want to pit near other Fox Karts, skip this part and go to B.
See below for Whiteland Pit Map!
Go to: https://register.livekarting.com/signup/.
Establish User Name and Password, write it down, and complete the other user information.If YOU are the PARTICIPANT, click the blue rectangle FILL FROM ACCOUNT HOLDER INFORMATION button.Complete EMERGENCY CONTACT information and RACER BIO info.NOTE: Some of the “choices” are not geared to vintage karting (e.g., for Type of Kart, you may have to select OTHER … do your best.
Some info may be “optional.” COMPLETE ACCOUNT INFORMATION, requires you to “AGREE,” “CHECK” if you want notices, tell them you are not a robot, and SUBMIT. You have just created an account and can proceed to selecting a Pit Spot.
B. Pit Spots 12 – 21 & 101 (not including #14) are reserved for FOX KARTS ONLY for this Fox Kart Fiesta. They are available from Rolf Hill for $35 (Processing Fee included) – MESSAGE Rolf Hill at rolfp4@yahoo.com for details before Sept. 18th. These are premium pit locations but have no electric hook-up. If you don’t want to deal with Rolf but still want a pit spot near other Fox Karts, go to the map and pick one you like.
If you don’t have a Fox Kart or don’t want to be grouped with the other Fox Karts for the Fox Kart Fiesta, you can reserve a Pit Spot through this link https://register.livekarting.com/racewrp/ and follow these directions:
Click on the link. This will take you to Register for EventsSelect VKA Parking. Under that heading are three colored rectangles. Click on Event DetailsThis will take you to VKA Parking https://register.livekarting.com/racewrp/. Click on the green rectangle: More Details for this event.On this screen [https://www.racewrp.com/parking] there are two Options. ONLY Option 2 ($30/pit spot) applies to the Fox Kart Fiesta.Scroll down and select a Pit Spot. (Pit Spots 12 – 21 & 101 (minus #14) are reserved for FOX KARTS ONLY.) [If you want one, STOP HERE and MESSAGE Rolf Hill at rolfp4@yahoo.com]. If you don’t have a Fox Kart or don’t want to pit near other Fox Karts.
Go back to https://register.livekarting.com/racewrp/ and scroll down to Purchase Parking … be sure you are under VKA Parking! Click on the space just below Choose a Parking
Space to Reserve and select an available Pit Spot you desire. Enter this selection. Spots that are already taken will not appear … pick another one. Indicate method of payment and proceed to checkout.
See you there!